The Joy in Serving. By Deb Wieland, Volunteer Sewing Teacher
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- By Renew Project
Those who volunteer know the joy of giving and getting. The giving is the known part. We know what we are “signing up” to do.
But, how many of us who volunteer understand the blessing that comes through our actions? I’d venture to guess that many of us do and that is why we volunteer. We see a need, but we receive a beautiful blessing as we experience the joy of serving others.
When I came to Re:new almost a year ago, I only knew that I would assist in teaching sewing to refugee women. A friend who was volunteering in that capacity told me that I’d love it. She was right. How fun it is to do what I love (teach) and enjoy (sewing)! However, what I also gained were relationships with many wonderful women, from refugees to other teachers to those involved in the business of running things. It is that community I am anxious to get back to because while it is certainly fulfilling helping women attain and hone an employable skill, it is equally rewarding to just be with them and share life. That is the real bonus of volunteering!
When Re:new shared with the volunteers that they themselves would be volunteering to donate masks to assist many in this unusual time, I jumped at the opportunity to help. It was so necessary on so many levels – keeping our artisans employed, providing necessary equipment for workers dealing with COVID-19, and helping volunteers like us to stay connected to each other and the ministry of Re:new. I feel a great sense of satisfaction and am thrilled to be a part of it all!
It’s been many years since I’ve actively volunteered for anything. Life and work just seemed to get in the way. Now that I’m back in the volunteer seat, though, I can’t imagine not being a part of what happens here at Re:new. I am grateful for the opportunity and to my friend who just kept telling me I’d love it.
-Deb Wieland, Volunteer Sewing Teacher